Saturday 2 April 2011

Harry Potter and the Common Room of Doom

Once upon a time there was no mudkipz on the cartridge of Digimon TV but there were alot of rainbows all over the ground of MORDOR RARWRARWRRW Gandalf decided to meet Frodo in Hogwarts but Harry was dead in the pants Hermione was playing with herself on a boat on the top of water YEAH Ron was upset with Draco because C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER he was dead with Harry and Dumblydore inside the common room of doom Snape murders Voldemort who must dance the night away doing nothing like a boss and a basilisk ate everybody except the boss So, that was that THE END Dumblydore lived

Ryoko's Forgotten Flu Jab

Ryoko once didn't get her flu jabs and she began to feel pie –ish (¬_¬). Just too much pie for her goddess ate Ryoko with additional CHOPSTICKS and sprinkled buns and a cranberry sauce Mikuru bottle chutney mango flavour sauce was made good by for my car and it felt GOOD with my toast and waffles. Yum. Pineapples (!) taste bad but disappoint. Meanwhile they danced until they vomited but rubies are needed by Monday aftermorning tea for some Englishmen with horses they went VWOOSH zoom sh-boom pang ping pong look at plunk Camelot! Pot covered its made crotch into an African. Rainforest in Brazil he then made a chicken of cupcake monkeys with he danced under the moonlight like a Koizumi Russian dancer appeared! Red pot used Meowth made a noise bang (!) and boom KABOOM! Old man spice first like a boss Humming tunes like a Mario theme tune using Bowser's ocarina of time chickens of cover god of doom sauce and Monty Python IMPLODED. HALT THE END!

Friday 1 April 2011

The Bananatastic Monkey!

This will be the first one recorded, and I should get a link from Discrimo, the person who recorded it, and is read by me (I lol a few times): Once there was a monkey who has no girl bananatastic so couch would squish the end never reached my back side which had made strip poker bacon pork strips tastes tonsilitisy iurdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffv said WHY DO you TOUCH my OLD SPICE BLUE spy EDITION CHOCOLATE From cake Babies and other pineapples assorted my ass into a Whoa sandwich which was all sad and French so fat became hoe currency and the Chinese woman bled because she was loved by a Russian’s dog called Tiddles McGee Stalin so everyone Followed the Communist to Filipino caverns where flaming flamingos filled the pool with fire and Waterbenders ate Burger King asses which were all assy deliciousness and rimjobish"Hey," he said."Yeah?""Suck on this!"pokemon decided to turn this story into nonexistent Chambers of Alagore who rapped until the man came finally on some Aboriginees who liked to look at big cacti Apples nyahnyahs and desus SUDDENLY sneezed into babies faces which raped Matt repeatedly Kyon Unfortunately also got to go into the moviemaking night club screwing Mikuru everyone! drills Kamina which is a MANLY ORANGE piercing who pied and died cried lied whied and spied scryed objectified all personified scaring Mikuru Puppy are cute and bark like sexy Kittens but we aren't drowned yet said "fuck my ass Kyon didn't agree So Haruhi got horney and splasmed gay men into a scary box filled with Gayruhi and Schleps and Koizumi and FAIRIES Tsuruya wasn't because she was a Moe Pear pervert and on feet all fucking day and smacked her doggy on its ass because it liked it alot Whenever doggy threw likes at Koizumi Matt didn't like farting at bubbles because he didn't have any WEPON ammo for her chest however hairs where dancing to the Flashdance like a MANIAC on the floor HARD RAIN IS HARD in THE SUMMER NIGHTS IN THE GREASE LIGHTING MOBILE CAR Created Batman PROFESSOR GRISWALD and HARUKI combined their magical dicks MY face spurts lava juice and prison means soap dropping is forbidden peanut unless butter jelly butts in time and space and galxies and pie!! COMBINE Jesus but Captain Scarlet was scrubbed up into his head Porfessor Grisworld finally cranberries the end of timeTHE END NOW!

Friday 25 February 2011

The Madukippu of Outer Space Time Dimension

MADUKIPPU likes death and unicorns because nothing is ever dead forever unless it farted monkeys from outer space time dimension and ROBOTNIKLAND. SONICKU! Zoidberg! And not Kunikida because he was too dead-ly awesome which ahhh disrupted the call the face of Meowth who hangs Jessie but not James which didn't make me sad, instead I had an orgasm Asploding the side of the planet as it was the smelliest thing since the creation of Koizumi's socks which smelled like Kyon's breath. Kyon loves Asakura then Koizumi killed batman which cried Mikuru to Life! Yuki came towards Tsuruya then didn't pimp out her face full of diamonds and shit flavoured shit pie but catmotherflippinthulu decided to shoot sick vomit out of a gun! GLaDOS portalled Haruhi to Neo Arcadia where Mikuru died because Megaman! was not drunk he was dead just as pudding was flung towards the OCEAN! Because it was sticky and warm like toast! Justin Bieber wasn't cool or a straight guy thing so we didn't kill him we just cut him and stuff like yeah that stuff Finally everyone attacked the Minecraft Madukippu and it died

The end

The start of the MOST EPIC WEBSITES EVER!!

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